The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

You are my brother and sister and I am yours also

2 Thessalonians 1

I need you to know that when I'm unable to write to you on a daily basis; I miss you as if I know each and every one of you personally. There are various reasons that will cause me to be unable to encourage you; the reader daily. However, be aware that though I may not be able to send you an encouraging word to read; I do think of you and hope that I’ve written enough for you to have been stretched in your relationship with CHRIST JESUS to be encouraged by HIM and HIS Word. Not only that but that you have grown to reach out to your sisters and brothers in the faith of CHRIST JESUS to encourage one another as well as yourself according to the Word of GOD. We should be reminded that we are to thank our GOD Most High for each other because our faith is not being stagnated but it is ever increasing in love which abounds towards all. Recently, I have allowed myself to enter into a blessing that I normally have no need of doing. My daughter with her husband and son have come to live with me temporally and because I prefer to live alone; it has set me in motion to walk out my faith in a manner I normal am not required to do. Daily I ask that patience be stirred up within myself; the persecutions and tribulations that maybe spoken of about me because I prefer things to be done in a certain way. Such as, wash the dishes; vacuum a couple of days a week and pick up behind yourself or replace an item to its proper location. Those are simple things; yet, the tribulation that I must endure is being noticed by my DADDY and HE alone has a righteous judgment for anyone who comes against HIS children aggressively or subtly. A person’s motives are all made plain to HIM. So we must be counted worthy of the kingdom of GOD in all that we do and say. Our heavenly FATHER will repay anyone who troubles us and provide a wonderful rest in HIM when the LORD JESUS is revealed from heaven with HIS mighty angels. HIS angels will come in flaming fire taking vengeance on all those who do not know our heavenly GOD and did not obey the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST which also includes not believing in HIM. Those who refuse and live in rebellion will be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of our LORD from the glory of HIS power when HE comes in that great and glorious day to be glorified by HIS saints and to be admired by all of my brothers and sisters in the faith. We must continue to pray that our GOD count us worthy of HIS calling and fulfill all the good pleasures of HIS goodness and not of our own work and strength. The name of JESUS our LORD and CHRIST must be glorified in us and JESUS in us according to the grace of our GOD and the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

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