The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."


"Women of Grace", is what the Lord brought
to my mind a few weeks ago. As I lay thee on my bed to receive from
the Father what He would have to say on "women of grace", I
knew it was something that He wanted me to share with the women. men
could benefit from this as well. It's not only women who don't
realize what a woman or woman of grace is, but men as well don't have
the slightest cue to the real meaning and significance of what a
woman is. For many a woman has been reduced to one that carries a
child, plays the role of a caretaker, housekeeper, sex partner,
lover, slave or sounding board.

Let's take a closer look at what a woman is. In
Geneis 1:26-27, you will read where God said “Let us make man in
our image. And then in verse 27 the word says “So God created man
in His own image,, in the image of God He created him,; male and
female He created them.”

So women have been created in the image of God. And
what is God's image? God's image is His likeness and His character,
with His attributes. Let's take a look at some: God is righteous,
holy, powerful, creative, merciful, compassionate, loving, forgiving,
longsuffering, lifegiving, graceful just to name a few. And then we
can read about the fruit of His Spirit in Galatians 5:22 “love,
joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, temperance
and faith. Mmmmmmm, do you look like God's image? Why or why not?
What do you need to do or need to stop doing to reflect and match
God's image?

It is important for women to see themselves from
God's perspective and in Gd's image. Society and many of our cultures
place little or no value on women. Women have low self esteem, worth
and value or either none at all be cause of how they were brought up
in their home, culture and society. For this reason many women have
been robbed of their God-given identity, God-given virtue, authority
and strength, and their capacity to be creative, bloom and burst with
life-giving gifts. And then on top of that, parental, husband or mate
abuse, rape, incest, emotional and mental abuse have also been
robbers of the women of grace.

It is because of these ills, that women must realize
their God-worth and their God-value. And one thing for sure, there is
no man, no devil, no culture, system or society that can devalue the
high value that God Himself has place on women. Amen!

Women go to God's word and
see what He says about you and your life.

For all your sins you have
forgiveness. - John 3:16

For all your sickness and
diseases you can have healing and miracles. - Isaiah 53:4-5

For all your bondage and
bad habits you can have complete and total deliverance.

For your poverty you can
have riches and wealth. - John 10:10

You are blessed of the
Lord who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 115:15

Women of grace you are who
God says you are.

You are what God says that
you are.

You can do what God says
you can be.

You can do all things
through Christ who strengthens you. - Philippians 4:19

You are only as big or
great as you think that you are.

Say what God says about
you, think what God says about you and let that only come out of your
mouth. Let His words only bombard your thoughts and your soul,
saturate your self with them. And as you do, the very God- woman, the
very women of grace you will become, a woman after God's own image,
after His own likeness, and after His own heart.

© 2011 Loving Your Self,
Dr. Melody Barclay

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