The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."


Behold, YOU desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part YOU will make me to know wisdom.

GOD desires truth from us although we were brought out from our mother’s womb in sin. All of our vital organs, valves, muscles, tissues/cells and blood are saturated in sin. We are tainted before we actually commit any crime. And if there is anyone who was not completely formed in the womb of a woman but received your beginning in a Petri dish; you cannot boast because it took the spermatozoa of a man or the cell of man (if you are a clone) and the egg of a woman or a cell of a woman (if you are a clone). So you were still formed in iniquity; in other words you are still a native sinner with all its wrongs and privileges. There just is no natural route of escape only a spiritual escape plan in the form of CHRIST JESUS. In the beginning it was not man that laid out the perfect plan of how mankind is to live; nor was man sinful. No, it was our Creator GOD who said what mankind would be Genesis 1:26-28. And it was satan who threw a wrench into GOD’s perfect will for mankind and it was Adam who disobeyed the plan of the LORD GOD. With Adam’s lack of walking in wisdom the LORD GOD set into motion our route of escape. In the book of John we see JESUS as the Creator GOD, John 1:1-5; 10; 14. In the book of 1 John we see JESUS as the true and Living GOD; the only GOD; 1 Jhn. 5:7. And in the book of Corinthians, JESUS became wisdom; 1 Cor. 1:30. In our receiving salvation from GOD through CHRIST JESUS; our spirit awakens from its deep dark sleep. When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit we will receive the power to live out the Overcomers life in full victory. And in requesting the spirit of wisdom which belongs to GOD alone and is imparted to us on request; our inward parts are affected. In our hidden parts which are the brain, vital organs, muscles, tissues/cells, valves, and blood will operate in the wisdom of GOD. GOD desires us to be truthful inwardly which will expose itself outwardly. And in HIS wisdom even our liver operates on the wisdom of GOD. HIS truth is to saturate every atom of our being nothing void of HIS truth and wisdom. Here in this scripture King David has made it perfectly clear that the LORD GOD does not operate outwardly and work HIS way inwardly; the LORD GOD operates inwardly and HIS attributes which is HIS integrity and character is to show up outwardly.

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