The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

HE has filled him with the Spirit of GOD, in wisdom, understanding, knowledge and all manner of work.

If you ask for the spirit, He will come.  If you desire the spirit, He will come. Who is the spirit? The Holy Spirit who is the very spirit of the living GOD as JESUS promised. In Him are all wisdom, understanding and knowledge for all manner of work. I would like to do a breakdown of those three important words and how they will help us in our walk.

Wisdom – skillful and prudent. The compass of mind and strength of capacity necessary to form a wise man. The power of judging what is wise, or best to be done. To teach and advise.

Understanding to be thankful for; blessing; benefit. A favor that is searched for. Separate, distinguish, discern, capacity to comprehend the different parts of a work, how to connect, arrange in order to make a complete whole.

Knowledge - be acquainted with.

Without the Spirit of GOD all we have is knowledge and understanding of that limited knowledge. Knowledge comes from several various sources. Education from schooling, books, conversation and environment. We understand only that in which we have been acquainted with. Wisdom however, comes from GOD alone because wisdom is GOD. 1 Kings 5:12; The LORD gave King Solomon wisdom. Proverbs 2:6; for the LORD gives wisdom; from HIS mouth comes knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 4:7; wisdom is the principle thing. Not knowledge, not understanding. Get wisdom and you will have knowledge and understanding. Wisdom gives power to accomplish all in full; knowledge does not, understanding does not. We need power to overcome; we can know the Word of GOD but if we don’t have the power of the Word of GOD, how can we overcome? Only the Spirit of GOD which is wisdom will give us power to overcome. This is why it was important for JESUS to promise that HE would not leave us comfortless; JESUS said “HE will give you another Helper, that He abide with you forever — the Spirit of truth.” “Your heavenly FATHER will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask HIM! And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you; and you will be witnesses to Me.” So if you desire wisdom this is the route you must take; there is no other way.

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