The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

No! It still surprises me that even the children of GOD; don’t understand just how much GOD loves us. Though we love GOD we can never out love GOD. The love that GOD has for people; notice I wrote people not HIS children or those who has not accepted HIS SON. GOD loves people and GOD desires that all people will return to HIM. Unfortunately HE and we know that will never happen. When JESUS walked on the earth there were many people who heard HIM speak and there were many people who witnessed the miracles that were done through HIM. Not all came to HIM. One of the greatest examples is Judas Iscariot; one of the twelve disciples. One out of twelve men who were in the company of JESUS day in and day out turned his back on JESUS and sold HIM out for thirty pieces of silver. The twist of this is had Judas not committed suicide he would have known that JESUS had forgiven him. But the dead can’t be forgiven; whatever state you are in when you die is the finish line. Many people think that because GOD loves us it is impossible for HIM to put sinners in hell. Well; that is correct. But we must understand that GOD does not put us anywhere. GOD gave us an ability to choose. We have television and radio which airs CHRISTian programs. We have Bibles in libraries; hotels; bookstores; convenience stores; department stores; thrift stores and dollar stores. Some people have bibles in their home that is used just for decoration on the mantle or coffee table. There are churches on every corner or every block throughout America. Social networks have people who are pointing the way to JESUS. I can only speak for America because we have no excuse as to why so many of us are turning our backs on JESUS. However, for those of us who live our lives in JESUS there are times when we will slip up and sin. GOD will not get angry with us and GOD will not stop loving us. Then there are some who want to live for GOD; are saved but have difficulties with addictions. GOD has not stopped loving you; just as you want to stop giving into addiction GOD desires it more. There are so many of our brothers and sisters who have awesome testimonies about how GOD delivered them from addiction and how each time they gave into their addictions they were crying out to GOD for help. GOD remembered them and showed HIS great love; grace and mercy towards them. If HE has done it for them; why not believe HE is loving, towards you. Homosexuals who are saved; keep believing that GOD loves you and that GOD will take away that desire to have sex with the person who is the same sex as you. Homosexuals who have not accepted JESUS because you have been judged by members of the church instead of loved; know that GOD loves you and desires that you turn to HIM. HE desires that you come to him just the way you are. Allow HIM to work a miracle in your life through HIS salvation and deliverance. GOD loves all of us so very much that when we come to HIM with our filth and allow HIM to wash us clean. We begin to transform by the renewing of our minds because of HIS Word. Because we understand HIS love for us we will want to live for HIM and please HIM. Never doubt the love of GOD again. What matters is HIS opinion of you.

John 3:16; 10:27-30; 16:27; Romans 6:1; 8:38-39; Galatians 6:7; Ephesians 2:4; James 2:26; 1 John 4:8, 10, 16.

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