The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Nowhere in scripture above or in any other scripture according to The Holy Bible will you find that Love is….

  • Abusive
  • Bewilderment
  • Curses
  • Danger
  • Fowl
  • Grotesque
  • A hindrance
  • Incomplete
  • Judgmental
  • Limited
  • Misguided
  • Oppressive
  • Rude
  • Selfish
  • Tumultuous
  • Unforgiving
  • Victimizing
  • Worrisome

And I'm certain that you can add a few more words to this list. Love is first and foremost GOD. HIS very essence is LOVE. It was in LOVE that HE gave HIS SON JESUS for you. It’s in HIS LOVE for you that HE forgives you and will not condemn or remind you of your mistakes. But first you must belong to HIM; though HE does not remind you of your faults when you don’t belong to HIM. It is only through HIM that you can escape the condemnation. Second love is you; it is impossible to truly love yourself unless you come to know who you are. It is important to know who GOD created you to be and what you were designed to do in this life. Thirdly love, loves others not for what they can do for you but because you know love who is GOD and you love yourself. When you proclaim that you love GOD and you have not seen HIM but you don’t love yourself and others; you lie because you can see yourself and others. Love is unconditional. Now reading the scripture above try this little exercise.


Love is patient; Love does not want what others have; Love doesn’t brag; Love isn’t proud; Love is not selfish; Love is not easily angered; Love does not find happiness in another’s shortcomings. Love protects; Love preserves.


That little exercise was actually the love scripture read by definition. To understand true LOVE we must experience it and only the Spirit of GOD in us can produce the quality of love that endures; is unconditional and endless. GOD is LOVE and by HIS power we are able to express love back to HIM; ourselves and others. LOVE is based on self sacrifice. It is deliberate kindness that extends even to enemies. LOVE is the highest motive for our decisions. Life is filled with opportunities for love in action. Each day in many ways we show expression of our true character and we can choose to develop our capacity to love. The more we give; the more we nourish ourselves. Each action takes on immense value when it is performed from a heart pure with love and committed to giving.

Views: 13

Tags: Deliverance, Encouragement, Faith, GOD, Grace, Humility, Inform, Inspire, JESUS, Kindness, More…Love


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