The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.


God will not fail me, nor forsake me. GOD will not fail me, nor forsake me. There are many occasions in which I have experienced being forsaken, left alone. I've even been forsaken by myself. One may ask how is it possible to leave yourself. Easy. You are who God says you are. When you deny the truth you simultaneously deny your existence. In other words, by denying God's predestined plan for you, you in fact leave the real you. You start spending time with this alternate you that has no purpose, no focus, and is not based in any reality. It is in this way that I forsook myself. There are tons of reasons that happens, but for me the reason had to do with seeking acceptance from people. I've come to grips with the fact that "the call" has a tendency to come at a price, the price of solitude. A still quiet voice is easily drowned out by a crowd.

This passage of scripture comes right before the Israelites enter into Canaan. Knowing what they will face, the Lord uses Joshua to encourage them before they enter Canaan. Having come to grips with the necessity of solitude, I was able to hear God enough to realize that I am at the cusp ministry related change. The Lord knows how this change is going to effect my life and, therefore, speaks clearly in this passage of scripture. If you are experiencing change realize that you can be strong, have courage, and not fear because of the Lord thy God. The term Lord means ruler, or controller. All that we may face in this new season is controlled and ruled by our God. Negative situations may appear big and bad, but at the end of the day it has to obey our God. It has to do what our God says. It can do no more and it can do no less. The Bible says that all it can do is work for our good. Therefore, there is no need for us to fear or doubt. After all, God isn't just standing back watching us. . . As long as we are walking in His purpose and plan (not forsaking ourselves), He's actively going with us. 

Further, God is limited by one thing - His word because He and His word cannot be separated. What He speaks must come to pass. His Word declares that He will not fail, nor forsake me. Since heaven and earth have to pass away before a period in His Word fails, I have the guarantee that I enter new land, new territory, CHANGE as MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. I don't know what God is going to do to bless me, but I know what He will not do. He Will Not fail me nor Forsake Me.

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