The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

“Born Again” is a phrase that was first used by JESUS
HIMSELF in John 3:3. JESUS told Nicodemus the Pharisee that he must be born
again. This is just as confusing today as it was when JESUS told it to
Nicodemus, but JESUS took the time to explain this new birth experience to
Nicodemus. Just as we are all born into a physical family we must also be born
into a spiritual family, GOD’s family of believers. We learn in the Bible that “all
have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD” Romans 3:23. GOD is Holy; man
is sinful. This is why every person must be born again. Sin separates us from
GOD. GOD is Holy; our sin therefore must be removed if we are ever to
experience communion with GOD in this life as well as eternally in heaven
Romans 3:10-18, 23. For this reason alone GOD sent HIS SON JESUS into the
world. “For GOD did not send HIS SON into the world to condemn the world; but
that the world through HIM might be saved” John 3:17. If good works, religion,
church, or social standing could earn us a place in heaven; then JESUS would
never have had to die; Ephesians 2:8-9. Though our sins separate us from GOD;
JESUS bridges the gap by removing the sin. “For there is one GOD and one
Mediator between GOD and men; the Man JESUS CHRIST;” 1 Timothy 2:5. Knowing all
about JESUS and HIS payment for sin; even understanding that by HIS
resurrection from the dead we can obtain new life eternal life by an act of
faith; an active belief in GOD’s promise to remove our sins. “But as many as
received HIM to them HE gave the right to become children of GOD; even to those
who believe in HIS name. Those who were not born of blood or the will of the
flesh or of the will of man but of GOD” John 1:12-13. To do this first admit to
GOD you are a sinner and be willing to turn from sin. Next believe in your
heart that GOD has raised JESUS from the dead; Romans 10:9. Finally invite
JESUS to come into your life and to take total control of it so that you may
begin to live the life that GOD had predestined for you before you were born.  This is to receive HIM as your SAVIOUR and
LORD; Romans 10:13. JESUS HIMSELF extends the invitation to you in Revelation
3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears MY voice and opens
the door; I will come in to him and dine with him and he with ME.” The door is
your heart; JESUS with your acceptance of HIS invitation will take up residency
in your heart. We can all be sure of our salvation in JESUS because of HIS promise
towards us. “Most assuredly, I say to you; he who hears MY Word and believes in
HIM who sent ME has everlasting life and shall not come into judgment but has
passed from death into life” John 5:24. “For whoever calls upon the name of the
LORD shall be saved” Romans 10:13. And “the SPIRIT HIMSELF bears witness with
our spirit that we are children of GOD” Romans 8:16.

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