The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

The Lady Is A Leader In Her Celebration Of The Birth Of Christ

The Lady Is A Leader, In Her Celebration Of The Birth Of Christ

If there is anyone you know that loves this time of year more than me?  This person would really have to be on auto-pilot because I can break out and sing a Christmas Carol in the heat of the summer!
There is something about the joy we all express, the nods as we pass each other on the brisk city streets.  The smiles we share as we wander through the crowded market place, as well as the rays of excitement in the eyes of children; young and old.(wink)

merry shoppers

One of the most beautiful aspects of the season, is the manner of which we come together to celebrate what our nation has deemed as the birth of our Lord and Savior.

Commercialism has attempted to dwarf the essence of the season by the abundance of circulars we receive in our postal as well as our electronic mail; yet I am of the belief that it causes dialogue.  Allow me to list a few examples:

  • Department stores ask employees to say “Happy Holidays”, instead of “Merry Christmas”..this causes consumers as well as the employees to voice their opinion as well as make a decision as to support or not to support. Choose ye this day…Joshua 24:15
  • Should Christmas Day happen to fall on a Sunday, leaders make the decision whether to have Worship Service..this allows congregants as well as leaders to truly investigate the purpose of true fellowship. Let us not forsake the assembly…Hebrew 10:25
  • As Christians it is a season to evaluate the genuine purpose in our giving to others…So that your giving be in secret ..Matthew 6:4             merry 2
    When we allow ourselves to begin a conversation as to the true meaning of the celebration of the birth of Christ, we may also learn from others their reasoning for some of their actions.  There are parents who may not have had the luxuries we so often take for granted today.  In this case, they may be more apt to devote more activity to the purchasing of “items” rather than the promise of the Savior.
    There also may be those whom have experienced a life of abundance, and want to display to their children, community and/or colleagues the essence of the yearning to spend eternity with the Master.
    While both experiences are vital to the growth process, the ultimate goal should and must be in this season, and always to be a vessel which enables others to see Christ through our life and actions.
    Celebrating the birth of Christ is such a heartwarming miraculous event; just think our Emmanuel was born through the miraculous conception, walked and lived on this earth, died on the cross for you and I,  rose again  with all power, so that we might have a right to the tree of life.  What greater gift? I must celebrate His birth!
    So during this Holy Holiday season,  while making your list add the gift of  “listening” ,  and before you speak, check your verbiage twice!  By doing so, you too can be a participant of the Celebration of Christ!merry

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