The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

The Lady Is A Leader And She's Precious In His Sight

The Lady Is A Leader And She’s Precious In His Sight


During the latter portion of the year 2012,  I read a post from a powerful Lady Leader who was having this great time of family, rest and relaxation, however she felt as if she was “supposed” to be doing something!  Something other than rest and relaxation.

Of  course this stirred up “something” within me because I too had been “that girl” at one time in my life.  I was listening to the post with empathy, as one who had to learn how precious I am in His sight.

We are the daughters whom he “maketh to lie down in green pastures” … We are the the Lady Leaders whom he “leads beside the still waters”

Psalm 23:2

green pastures

We are the Lady Leaders, who multi-task; we are the wives, mothers, daughters, CEO’s, Five Fold Ministry Leaders, and mentors who are not aware of our diagnosis.  What is so amazing is the fact that even in our times of   fatigue, and extreme exhaustion we keep going, and going and going.

Why doesn’t anyone notice we need to lie down?  Why doesn’t someone say to us to go and be led beside the still waters?  It’s because we make our tasks appear to be flawless.  With a child on our hip, and a book on our counter, a roast in the oven a despondent caller on the phone,  and sending an e-mail from our I-PAD…..we answer the door with a smile and say ..”Good evening and welcome to my home”.

When will be accept the diagnosis and adhere to the prescription..lie down in green pastures, and be led beside the still waters?  We are sooo precious in His sight that the Lord doesn’t “make” or provoke us to lie anywhere and with anybody…the Word says in green pastures or in a place which shall produce peace, prosperity, and is safe and secure.  And to make sure we get it…the Word also states he will lead-direct, or navigate my path beside the still waters..the Lord doesn’t want me in chaotic environments, the Lord doesn’t want me in the turbulence of drama, so he leads me….beside the still waters.

Please allow me to share with you, what I found to be the diagnosis; PRECITIS- and let’s give the honor and praise to our Lord and Savior for looking beyond all what we have scheduled, planned and formatted on our agenda and seeing our need.


Pastor BJ

Proofreading and Editing:

Evangelist Denise Jackson/Charter Member WOP

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