The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Humor has taken a bad rap in the Christian society, and I for one; can’t live without it.  Too often have we allowed the seriousness of the world drown out our hearty laugh and our “anointing”…yes I used the word anointing to bring joy to someone else as well as myself.  As a Lady Leader I recognize the need to address issues with sincerity and wisdom; however we must also protect and nurture our heart and the spirit within ourselves.

proverbsAs we are nearing the end of the year 2013, I am sure there are many of us whom have experienced some major transitions during this season.  Some of us have experienced death in our inner circle; whether it was a death of a loved one, the demise of a business, the transition of a relationship or even coming to a realization of what we thought was….really wasn’t.  There are voids which are implanted in our inner man when a separation occurs, and this feel like a death of sorts.

You may ask, how could I possibly find humor in any of the above mentioned circumstances.  I may not have found humor in it; but I learned to exercise humor to come out of it.

1 Samuel 30: 6 “But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God….”

Listed below are a few of the tools, which I used to honor who I am in God, even during the stages of bereavement.

  • Forsake even the appearance of evil...1 Thess. 5:22 My going out in public without checking my appearance is pure evil! (smile)  I encouraged myself and laughed in the face of the enemy because, I KNOW I don’t or won’t look like what I’ve been through or going through!  face
  • For her price is far above rubies….Proverbs 31:10
    I am made in the image of God, and that means “I’m Good”!  My motivation to move forward was in the realization their  leaving me was their loss, not mine.  I value who I am in Christ, I became so tickled in the produce section of the grocery store one day, when I looked at the scales and noted, I outweigh in value with Christ what man, society, or demogr
    aphics could ever imagine…”I’m Good”!!!
  • Then our mouth was filled with laughter,and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations,
        “The Lord has done great things for them.”  Psalms 126:2
    The inspiration to move beyond the present pain, and to climb above the innate need to seclude myself and bury my wounds within a cave of isolation-came from making a joyful noise unto the Lord.  Now the noise may not have been joyful to others, and it may not have been joyful to my neighbors or my praise team members.  I knew the Lord had done great things for me, so I had to remember to revisit, and reclaim my laughter!

Solomon shared with us the proper medication for our lives- a joyful heart.  When your heart has been crushed, trampled upon and torn, it takes several doses of medication to mend.  I’ve learned when prescribed an PRESCRIPTIONanti-biotic even though I may “think” I’m better;  the required dosage is the entire prescription.  I say that to say, continue to smile, practice it, start with just a little curve of the mouth, continue with a small giggle, and I am a witness, as you progress in your healing process a hearty laugh WILL come upon and within you.

Solomon continues to explain to each of us what will happen if we don’t take the proper dosage-A crushed spirit drieth up bones.  I know I’ve been in a position where I have cried out…”Can these dry bones live again?”…Lord I acknowledge, I am crushed, will I ever smile again, will I ever laugh again, will a chuckle ever return to me?

I can say with a resounding yes…did it take time? Yes!  However I learned and I continue to learn in various situations that nothing is too hard for God and there is no hurt, or wound He cannot heal.

One of the most interesting definitions I found for the word humor was;  a state of mind- mental disposition or temperament.  With that being said, I have made a decision to place in my spiritual medicine cabinet an unending supply of humor, because I never know when I may need another dose to help me along the way.

Walk In Power,

Dr. BJ Relefourd

Proofreader/Blog Post Editor

Lady LaKesia Barker-Scott                Lady Lakesia and Pastor BJ

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