The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

And Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid”. Standstill, and see the salvation of the LORD, which HE will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.

Seven times in the New Testament the Word of GOD informs us “Do not fear” and once in the New Testament we are informed to “Fear not”. When facing a situation in our lives that we don’t understand or have complete knowledge of we become fearful. The flesh will always fear the unknown. Troubles are going to come our way; there is nothing we can do to stop them; it’s the way of the world. But that does not mean that we have to live in fear of what may; or may not come our way. And if you find yourself troubled on every side and you don’t see a clear way out; look up. Upward is where your deliverance is. Moses told the Israelites “Do not be afraid”. In other words we must station ourselves; become still and firm in our stance. You may bend but you will not break. The salvation of our GOD is all around us; we just have to see it and recognize it. We cannot defeat the enemy be it satan, demons, or the negative situations of life with our flesh or our carnal knowledge. We must standstill and see the salvation of our GOD. HE is a deliverer from all tragedies or troubles that come our way. The Israelites did not see away of escape; in front of them was a body of water; to the left and the right of them was a body of water. Behind them were Pharaoh and his army. Were where they to go; what were they to do? They were filled with dread and terror. They thought that Moses had taken them to their death. But when you don’t see a way of escape our deliverer does. JESUS will not remove us from a bad situation just so we can die. No HE wants us to keep living; HE wants us to be safe. This was why thousands of years later HE came and redeemed us from the master enemy; we have been delivered from his hands; we have been spared death. Now JESUS keeps us in a continual life of safety and we will never belong to satan again. Just like the Israelites; they never saw Pharaoh and his army ever again. Isn’t that Good News?! We have nothing at all to fear; we are to standstill; we are to station our hearts; be brave and strong for the LORD our GOD is with us. The Israelites did not have faith; Moses did and now we do; this is why now by faith we are to stand. CHRIST JESUS has liberated us from the enemy and now we are free. Never more are we to be entangled with a yoke of bondage. We are to standstill in the Spirit and in the LORD CHRIST JESUS.

Salvation – to live; to keep alive; continues safe in life; to redeem; to deliver; to keep; to spare

Fear – filled with dread and terror

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