The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

I will praise the LORD according to His righteousness,

We have a gracious offer of mercy now; because of CHRIST JESUS. GOD gives the sinner warnings of their danger and space to repent, and prevent it. HE is slow to punish, and long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish. If this is not a place to praise the LORD GOD I don’t know where or what is. The scriptures before this particular one found in the same chapter of the book of Psalms is devastating; it’s a mirror reflection of who we are without CHRIST JESUS. The believer has so much to praise and rejoice in the LORD about; because we understand what JESUS has done for us. We understand that regardless of how we saw ourselves; how others saw us or what we or others believed about us; when we were void of JESUS we were on our way to hell without brakes. But thanks to our merciful GOD who sacrificed HIS only begotten SON just for little you and me. So that we would not come under the judgment and punishment that GOD’s wrath can bring. Once HE steps into the office of Judge it’s a done deal for the sinner and its game over. The sinner/non-believer has lost his/her life truly and will be punished throughout eternity. Nothing about mankind brings about righteousness and we; the believers are only righteous because of CHRIST JESUS who is fully Righteous. The LORD GOD is righteous through and through and according to HIS righteousness which consist of HIS character. This is who we are to model ourselves after. JESUS; the very fruit of righteousness. Seek the righteousness of GOD the FATHER first and foremost. Believer’s, read your bible daily; meditate on a scripture that speak to you about your situation or that speaks to you about the Living GOD and HIS grace and mercy towards us. Act on GOD’s Word; you only do and speak on that you believe in. Once you add all these ingredients together; what comes out of this mixture is a renewing of the mind and once the mind is renewed it flows down into the heart; and what is in the heart will be spoken and acted on. This is the formula for GOD’s righteousness.

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