The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

The affirmation to my LORD: “Sit at MY right hand, till I make YOUR enemies YOUR footstool.” The rod of YOUR strength does JEHOVAH send from Zion. Rule in the midst of YOUR enemies. YOUR people are free-will gifts in the day of YOUR strength, in the honor of holiness. From the womb, from the morning. YOU have the dew of YOUR youth. YLTB

The LORD announces The MESSIAH’s reign. King David speaks about JESUS who will come in the flesh from JEHOVAH; which means self-existing GOD. When we see the title LORD in scripture; understand that we are being told about YAHWEY / JEHOVAH / The Most High GOD. The MESSIAH is JESUS The Savior our Liberator. Lord in the scriptures do not refer to the self-existing GOD but rather the sovereignty who is most commonly known as ADONAI. Who are the enemies of JESUS? Anyone who has rejected JESUS. Notice that the self-sufficient GOD has revealed to King David that all of the people who have accepted, believed and confess that JESUS is the begotten SON of the Most High GOD come in the flesh are free and are gifts which honor HIS holiness. This is encouraging. This ensures me that my mind does not have to think on wicked negative things. My eyes do not have to look on filth. My mouth does not have to be a tomb of death. In my heart resides The FATHER, JESUS and the Holy Spirit. From them dwells within me love which flows out to do well. The activity of my limbs will cause everything that I touch to be blessed. My feet will go in the direction that they are sent from my GOD. Because JESUS reigns; so do I. Not only in the heavens but here in the earth as well. What or who reigns over you? If JESUS does not reign over you then satin reigns over you; his strength comes from deception and lies. Nothing good will ever come from being an obedient servant to the wicked one. We were created to reign. JESUS died and rose from the dead giving us back the ruler ship that was originally given to us by HIM. JEHOVAH said that man was to be created in OUR image; they will subdue the earth and have dominion over the fish, birds and every living thing that moves on the earth. Nothing and no one is to reign over us but The Most High GOD Himself.

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