The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."



Pivotal points may also be defined as
turning points in our lives. It may be a person or a thing that
determines the direction you will go in your life or the affects and
influence that you will have in your life.

There will be times, stages or seasons
in our lives when change for us will mean untying and unplugging
people from our lives. Moving to another church or geographical area,
and even breaking away from past relations that may even mean
family., may even be warranted as God takes us to higher ground, new
plains and does His new thing in our lives. You might not have a real
understanding about what's going on in your life, and you don't need
one when you know that God is at large and in charge of your life.

These times, stages or seasons in your
life may not be joyful, may be lonely and may even be uncomfortable,
but you must look at the bigger picture. And the bigger picture is
that God has a specific Divine plan and purpose working in your life,
and every body and every event or circumstance will always be leading
up to God's purposes and plans for your life, as they all work
together for the good to them who love God and are called according
to His purpose. (Romans 8:28). I think one of the hardest things for
people is to move or be moved from their comfort zone, and go into
new places, with new people, new environment, etc. I know it has been
that way me me several times. Even now I am in a place where I really
would not prefer to be, but know it it's by God Divine plan and
orchestration that I be situated where I am right now.

We must be careful not to miss or
forfeit what God has for us, His plans, blessings, etc. by resisting
His will in any kind of way, or by having the wrong attitude about it
as well. Our yielding and obedience to Him will surely pave the way
for God's greater purposes and greater blessings to be manifest in
our lives. We sometimes must move to those unpreferable places,
whether to another church, job, ministry, neighborhood, etc. in order
to receive what's next on God's agenda and His list for us, our
ministry and/or our personal lives.

Pivotal  points in our lives also
include us coming into the realization of who we are and what we are
to God. They include what God has spoken to us to do, our call to
ministry and the like. It is at these points in your life that you
need not try to explain to any one what God has revealed to you. You
probably remember the stories of Joseph when he had dreams about his
brothers being subservient to him. The more he told his brothers, the
word says “And they hated him the more.” (Genesis 37)  People and even
your leaders may come against what God has given you when you tell
them.  They may disagree with it or give yo some negative feedback on
it, that could later distort what God has spoken or shown you, and
bring discouragement to you about it. However, you must be bold
enough to stand on what God has spoken or shown you and not be moved
by it if the whole world comes against it, disagree with it, etc. And
if you have to stand alone believing what God has spoken or shown
you, then stand alone with you and God alone.


For some of you
your walk and journey in life may have been a lonely one, in that you
didn't have a bunch of running buddies, girlfriends and homeboys. But
that's the way that God had it designed for your life. Many people
will never get to know and experience God in such an intimate
personal way, and even as their best friend because they have a
spouse who is their best friend, a family member or some other person
as their best friend, lover, etc. One of the greatest joys of my
single-hood is to have experienced God and establish such intimacy
with Him, while having Him as my best friend, and being my
husbandman, according to Isiah 54:5 “I the Lord thy Maker is thy
husband, the Lord of Hosts is His name.” While others have a
spouse, a best friend, a girlfriend, boyfriend or buddy to lean on,
support them etc., you being alone and not having that type of
community, will be the greatest opportunity for you to know God, His
love and personalableness with you that many may not ever experience.
My aloneness has become so special and priceless, as it is a
privilege to have a life such as I have. My life as having been
designed by God's only plan must me guarded. I am careful as to who I
let n my life, who I communicate with, connect with, etc. For I found
that many people will just want to drain you, rob you and dump their
garbage and other things on you, that could infiltrate your spiritual
well-being and peace of your soul and mind. We cannot be of any good
to God, to others and to our selves when we are clogged up or bogged
down with a lot of unnecessary things that are designed to stress us,
worry us and rob us of our joy, peace, etc. Guarding your eyes, your
ears and guarding your spirit is crucial to you keeping your heart,
your spirit and your mind free and clear of things that could
interfere with you discerning God's voice, His Spirit and your
fellowship with the Price of Peace within you. Now I know for some
right now it seems like I am talking another language because they
have never experienced this type of aloneness, intimacy, fellowship
and peace with God.

What has been a
pivotal point in your life. What may be a pivotal point in your life
right now? It is very important that you recognize these points, or
people in your life and respond or act accordingly. And remember
there is such a much bigger picture and plan for your life than what
you can realize right now and what you probably will ever imagine.
And when change and the Spirit of God is prompting, moving, pushing
or pulling you in a way that may be unfamiliar and foreign to you and
to others, don't be afraid to follow the Lord, His Spirit, His
leading, instructions, etc.

© 2011 Dr.Melody Barclay

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Tags: change, destiny, pivotal, seasons


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