The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Revelation 21:21

"And the gates were twelve pearls; every gate was of one pearl: and the streets of the city were pure gold, as if transparent glass."

The harvesting of pearls has been a common practice for some 4,000 years. Thats right, all the way back into the ancient time of the Egyptians pearls have been viewed as an item of great value and yet rare and beautiful.

Matthew 13: 45-46 reads "Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking GOODLY PEARLS: Who, when he had found one Pearl of great price (Value), went and sold all that he had, and bought it". This indicates to us that even in the time that Matthew was living in, Pearls had a substantial value in society and were viewed as something worth searching, striving and working for...Just like the Kingdom of Heaven.

The road of ministry is in of itself one of many challenges and yet filled with victories both great and small. The Key is to remember that without the challenges, the Victories would be far too easily won. It is the test that truly makes the testamony and therefore it is the Battle that can and will result in the Victory in Jesus.

The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and because of this, the very word pearl has become a metaphor describing something very rare, very fine, very admirable and very valuable.

Pearls are very much a symbol of Strength, Dignity, Class, Power, Authority and Wisdom. If we take a look back into History all the way up to today, some of the most powerful women in the world wore pearls. Queen Elizabeth, Presidents (Yes There Are Female Presidents of Foreign Countries) Prim Minister Margaret Thatcher, Coretta Scott King, and today we have First Lady Michelle Obama.

And so it is, that as Women in the ministry, we are truly able to compare our selves to Pearls. In doing so, I encourage you to view yourself and your ministry as PEARLS:

  • You are an example of Strength in this world, carrying the weight of ministry, home, work and family all at once.
  • You are an example of Dignity in this world, chasing hard after Jesus even when those whom you have been called to serve miss treat you and disrespect you.
  • You are an example of Class as you hold your head up high, confidant and unashamed of the Gospel you represent.
  • You are an example of Power as you Pray, Prophesy, and Handle the Word of God.
  • You are an example of Authority as you take hold of the Gospel Plow and plant the seeds of Salvation and Peace among the Lost.
  • You are an example of Wisdom as you Preach and Instruct Gods people in the ways that they should go.

Yes You Are A PEARL, because through all the struggle, all the pain, all the trials and all that life and the devil may have thrown at you to turn u around.... You still Know that your PURPOSE is to REACH THEM, TEACH THEM AND RELEASE THEM TO GOD's PURPOSE!

Be not weary in your well doing, Be Encouraged and continue to be the PEARLS that God created you to be.

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Comment by irabaruta Divine on September 2, 2011 at 10:34am
Amen Amen! i love the massage! this is so true!yes, we are as pearls...halleluaa!

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