The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

How many times in the book of Matthew is there a reference to the FATHER making this statement? “This is MY beloved SON, in whom I AM well pleased.” The first time we come across this statement is found in Matthew 3 after the baptism of JESUS. And now we come across that very same statement again in this chapter; with the exception the FATHER informed us that we are to “Hear HIM!” I like to go deeper and say that we are to do more than hear HIM we are to listen to HIM! You see I say this because if our ears work well we are going to hear but every person that has an ability to hear does not listen. It’s in the listening that you begin to see clearly and get understanding. The disciples proved this error; they heard JESUS just fine when JESUS said several times in the book of Matthew about HIS fate with mankind. But because we are in this chapter I will point out that JESUS told Peter, James and John not to tell anyone of the vision they had witnessed until after HE has risen from the dead. They heard HIM but they did not listen to HIM. It went right over their heads. Just as when JESUS told them that HE would suffer at the hands of man. Again, swoosh right over their heads; they did not see clearly what JESUS was telling them nor did they understand. How clear is their misunderstanding when they think that Elijah was John the Baptist? Had JESUS meant John the Baptist; HE would have said John the Baptist. We miss so much when we don’t listen and only hear.

Another illumination that came to my attention is that epilepsy is a demonic spirit; how many people do we know that have epilepsy? Well if you have faith in JESUS being a healer and deliverer then you will catch this instruction that JESUS left for us so that we will know how to deal with those who suffer from this demonic influence.

  • Believe
  • Faith
  • Nothing is impossible to you
  • Pray and Fast

We must believe that the FATHER will deliver the person whom we pray for and it is because of our faith in JESUS that we realize that nothing is impossible for us; because we can do all things through CHRIST JESUS who gives us strength. We must have a life of prayer and fasting; now because I know that some of the saints maybe on medications that don’t allow you to miss a meal than you must discipline yourselves to deny yourself of something else that your flesh desires. What are you willing to give up and allow your flesh to hurt to walk according to the will of GOD?

After JESUS delivers this grateful soul HE goes right back to speaking with HIS disciples about the fact HE will be betrayed and killed but on the third day HE will get up. Ok, I get it; I too may have experienced sadness about knowing that JESUS will be killed but I would hope that I would remember that HE said HE will come back on the third day. I see so many opportunities where the disciples could have questioned JESUS to get a clear understanding to what HE was telling them. But for whatever reason no one asked what was HE talking about; to make it plain and clear to them. This is why they were ignorant of what to do because they never got a clear understanding to JESUS. Peter even questioned in his heart about paying taxes; but look how JESUS posed this question to him. From whom do kings take taxes; from their sons or strangers? Kings were the ones who imposed taxes on their nation or kingdom but they themselves paid none; or their family. We don’t have a ruling like this in America; everyone from the wealthiest to the poorest if an income is drawn and applied to our social security number we are to pay taxes. However, know this; we are royalty; we are kids of the king and we are free so we don’t have to pay taxes when we join our FATHER in heaven. We one day will be delivered from taxes but until that time; pay your takes as we are required to do.

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