The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Manna Moment -- The Sinful Nature Part 2

Galatians 5:19-21 “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

Good morning it is Thursday and one more day before the weekend. The month of September has zoomed by because Saturday will be October 1st and we are moving toward Fall. I am noticing a hint of color change in the foliage. We have had good rain so the leaves are not turning so fast.

As promised we are taking the acts of the flesh and discussing them for fuller meaning. Yesterday we talked about fornication being sin, we continue today with impurity and debauchery. Impurity in the Greek in this meaning deals with Katharos, an adjective meaning pure. Paul is talking about ceremonial cleanliness which entitles people to approach their gods. Impurity then is when your lifestyle is such that you are unfit to come before God, because your life is contaminated with the things that keep us from Him. What kinds of things preacher you ask? What about lying, secret stealing, internet porn or personal porn collection (there are Christians who have those) or engage in lifestyle choices that although doesn’t harm others, but are impure at heart. I told you it was going to be a tough series. Of course upon conviction and repentance we are able to approach the throne of grace with confidence of forgiveness, but that is not a license to continue in sin.

I then looked up debauchery as it’s not a word we use in everyday language. Its meaning has to do with doing anything because you enjoy it. The person has no restraint in their actions or what they would do and cease to care what others say or think. Give you an example? How about clothes that’s inappropriate in showing too much flesh. What I mean is a woman wears low cut tops or dresses to church and say I look good, having no regard for others that have to look at it. Since when is breast exposure at church acceptable behavior? We understand that fashion over the centuries have shown women with exposed breast based on what designers design. But as Christians should we not have some modesty as what can be worn to church? Recently I wore a pair of jeans with a chained looped through the rear pockets (Dereon) label, they were not too tight, nor cut low, but one sister said she thought the chain was too sexy and another sister said because I am a preacher then it’s inappropriate. Because they are not too tight or exposes flesh I personal thought they were okay. But I would not want to lead anyone astray so I won’t wear my jeans to a church function or church again. Men too are often caught in behaviors that lean toward the I don’t care, I’m going to have that little character urinating sticker on their vehicle or running down the street with no shirt on, why is that considered okay. If women ran down the street with no shirt on, they would be arrested. Hmmm just something to think about. Or better yet wearing a too small shirt when one’s belly (gut) has simply gotten to big (who wants to see that?) That’s definitely ceasing to care what others say or think. I know it sounds like I am picking and maybe these are not good examples, but the line has to be drawn somewhere on behavior and even more so for Christians. Hey if you can think of any examples for impurity and debauchery send them to me and I can list them on the next Manna. Again if we know what is wrong perhaps we would be more inclined to fix it, hence the study of the acts of the flesh. Have a blessed day.

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Tags: Acts, Bell, Flesh, Lyn, Natural, Rev, Sin, of


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