The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Galatians 5:19-21 “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

Good morning it is Monday and we are officially in the month of October. Fall has arrived with a very cool morning of 46 degrees and not expecting to reach 60 with overcast skies. We should see foliage changing soon, as we reluctantly pull out light jackets and sweaters. The air is crisp and refreshing. Don’t forget your flu shots! For years I didn’t bother because I never caught colds, but I have learned after a nasty round with in the flu in 2009 to get a flu shot. Still practice good hygiene, particularly if you are taking public transportation, handrails on escalators, bus seats, door handles all carry germs. After your ride, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water or use a hand gel. Let’s stay healthy this weather and minimize spreading germs.

Speaking of germs the acts of the flesh is just like germs, they spread from people to people. As we continue studying the acts of the flesh we are looking at the words hatred (enmity) and discord. Enmity means war in Webster and is the idea of a person who is characteristically hostile to other people, which is the opposite virtue of the love Christians should have for one another and for all people. Yes we can be mean and nasty to people we don’t like and for some reason we think that that is normal behavior and how we should treat people. It’s amazing what the world teaches and as Christians we think we have those rights, wherein we are suppose to be the opposite simply because of our belief. What you say, yes we should be loving regardless and as Christians we have given up our rights to have hatred. Do you think that God hates anyone, no but he does hate sin? So hatred is a sin (an act of the flesh), does God hate us? No, but he hates the sin that we commit.

The other act of the flesh is discord or strife as it is known. This word had to do with the rivalry for prizes in ancient history, but often is associated with creating contention, quarreling and wrangling among people. Again as a people we are suppose to walk away from such manner of things, but like gossip it is easily drawn into, particularly when people we like are hurt or offended and we take on their offense and jump right in to the fight. We think that we have a right to do this because we have the back of our brothers and sisters. Really????!!!! Look how the enemy has influenced and convinced us to behave. There are some that enjoy creating these scenarios, simply because that’s what drives them or gives them energy. What a sad way to live always looking for a fight or creating controversy for no reason. Other’s choose that opportunity to hold something against other people and create more contention by running and telling often thinking that they are doing something good. Ha, what a mess they can create. Remember that regardless of how these actions are viewed by the world, Paul wrote that we will not inherit the kingdom of God! Have a blessed day.

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Tags: Bell, Lyn, Manna, Moment, Nature, Rev, Sinful


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