The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

2 Thessalonians 3


It is true! Truer than what your name is that the LORD JESUS the CHRIST is coming back; again!! HE will gather all those who believe in HIM to HIMSELF. Most if not all of us have heard over the decades or years that JESUS will be back on such a such a day. And, most if not all of us have seen the repercussion of what happens to those who believed those lies. True born-again believers should not ever allow anyone or anything to shake their mind or trouble their soul to these deceiving lying spirits. Our spirit has a direct link to the FATHER, CHRIST JESUS and the Holy Spirit; so it does not matter what we read aside from the Word of GOD. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and He is the ultimate witness of JESUS CHRIST; He does not speak of Himself but of JESUS. Again, I write because it’s worth repeating let no one deceive you by any means. JESUS will come once the anti-christ is dealt with. The anti-christ will be revealed for his sinful deeds that are far beyond what mere humans will do. The anti-christ is the son of spiritual ruin; his soul is lost; he is damned; wicked beyond salvation and his final end is total destruction. The anti-christ is set for hell. But it is not so for you my brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS; you were chosen by the LORD GOD HIMSELF for salvation. You have been sanctified by the Holy Spirit because you believe in the pure truth; who is JESUS CHRIST. You heard the call of the Holy Spirit because of the gospel / Good News and you have obtained the glory or our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Continue to read your Word; pray and obey. This is how we keep in shape spiritually and how no one and nothing can deceive us.

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