The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

 JESUS was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification.

We are not justified by the merit of our own works; nothing we think, say or do qualifies our justification in the LORD GOD. But by our faith in JESUS CHRIST and HIS righteousness; CHRIST JESUS did work our justification and salvation by HIS death and passion. The power and perfection thereof; with respect to us depends on HIS resurrection. By HIS death HE paid our debt. In HIS resurrection HE received our acquittance; in other words to use that famous quote of the late Johnny Cochran, Esq. “It did not fit so we had to be acquitted”. When HE was discharged; we in HIM and together with HIM; received the discharge from the guilt and punishment of all our sins. To GOD is all the glory for saving and keeping us not only from ourselves; but from the wilds of the enemy and his cohorts. What am I writing here when I write saved us from ourselves? Mankind is destructive; we are destructive not only towards other people; places and things. We destroy our own selves with smoking, drinking in excess, drugging, partying in excess, bad eating habits, refusing to demand an outstanding education and taking the information given to us to be knowledgeable and competitive in the world we live in. To be competitive without being sinful, treacherous, wicked, fearful or having that crab mentality. Ignorant to how we are to speak according to the Word of GOD which will be our part to get and remain sickness and disease free, poverty free, deprived free and so much more. Oh wonderful it is when we are saved by HIS glorious Grace and we delve into the Living Word of GOD and apply what we read to our lives and watch how the LORD GOD through CHRIST JESUS begins to make that change that we so desperately need. We notice that our thoughts change; how we view things change; how we speak change; how we do things change; what we do change and our motives change. Give GOD the glory with me if you know what I'm writing about and you know that without a doubt that the LORD GOD has brought you out and you are counted among the justified on JESUS behalf.

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