The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

"If you've never taken the time to get to know me, I would advise you stop judging me." ~~ Chelsea Johnson

Wow. I asked permission from this young lady to use her status from today. It sparked something in me.

Listen ladies, if you dont' know someone, or their circumstance, how in the world can you arbitrarily just say....they just.________. You can fill that blank in for yourself.....

Sometimes, we pass judgement on a person or a situation without EVER having sat down with the person and finding our where their heart is.

OK, so she's a prostitute (with pay or without), WHY does she do this should be our question. If we sat with her for lunch, dinner, or even a movie, it doesn't make us who she is. (Jesus sat with all kinds of sinners without regard to His divinity) But it simply helps us to identify with where she is.

Some ladies are with that man, not because of the love, but because they don't feel they have any other choice. He's helping me with my kids, and even though he hits me sometimes, I can handle it for my kids sake...

I'm trying to finish school, and I dance that pole so I can take care of my kids and still be able to spend time with them.

Is it right in the sight of God, well, of course we know the answer is no. But to the one in the midst of their mess, they may not be able to see that.

You never know what is in a persons past that causes them to act like they do in the present. Does it need to be fixed? Absolutely, but until we get to the root of the issue, we can't accurately judge the fruit that is being displayed.

Our God wants us to identify with others, in the position of Salt and Light, so we can be the ONE person that can help open the eyes of the unbeliever so they can come into the TRUTH!

Jesus our Judge is the only one that REALLY knows us, and He'll get in our mess and pull us out, clean us up, and present us as His bride!

Who is your assignment today? Who can you "really get to know" so you can be the Surrogate Savior that leads to THE One True and Living SAVIOR!

Jes Saying that's all.....Peace .......~ Pastor Michelle ~~AKA~~ Pastor D.I.V.A.S.

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