The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Hebrews 1

I gotta feeling that I'm gonna mess up some peoples religious spirit; however, I must write what the Holy Spirit has me to write. GOD is no longer talking to prophets as HE had in the past. In the past we did not know that we could have a personal relationship with HIM. GOD wanted to have a personal relationship with mankind from the very beginning but it was impossible due to sin and the curse of arrogance on our part. But praise be to GOD Most High who speaks to us through HIS wonderful cherished SON; JESUS the CHRIST. JESUS is the one who is the appointed heir of all things; not some but all. JESUS is also the one who made the worlds or aeons of time. That’s right; the FATHER through JESUS did what is recorded in Genesis. JESUS is the brightness of GOD’s holy glory; JESUS is the expression of GOD the FATHER. JESUS is the one who upholds all things by the Word of HIS power. JESUS is the one who purged our sins away from us. JESUS is the one who sat down because there was no more for HIM to do. So HE took HIS rightful place at the right hand of HIS FATHER / HIS DADDY; the Majesty on high. JESUS is the one who made the angels; yet, mankind has taken on worshipping angels. They are not GOD. We don’t know who angels are and in our ignorance we try to place them in a position of authority that is not rightfully theirs to have. JESUS is better than the angels. JESUS is abundantly excellent by inheritance and name than any angel. Name the angel if you can that the FATHER has proclaimed to have ever said; “YOU are MY SON; today I have begotten YOU?” Or, “I will be to HIM a FATHER and HE will be to ME a SON?” You can’t and if you do; you are lying. The FATHER will send JESUS back into the world and when HE comes; HE will gather HIS bride. The angels of GOD will be worshipping HIM. What god in their deity will worship another god? GOD has made angels spirits and HIS ministers a flame of fire. However, to HIS SON; HE has said, “YOUR throne; GOD, is forever and forever. The scepter / rulers staff of righteousness is the scepter of YOUR kingdom. YOU have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness. GOD, YOUR GOD; has anointed YOU with the oil of gladness more than YOUR companions.” The FATHER also has said; “YOU, LORD in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth; the heavens are the work of YOUR hands. They will perish; but, YOU will remain. They will grow old; YOU will fold them up and they will be changed. YOU however are the same; YOUR years will not fail.” Name for me if you dare to which of the angels did the FATHER ever say any of those things? Which angel is seated to the right of the FATHER or JESUS for that matter? What enemies do angels have that will become the footstool of any one of them? Understand that we have only one true and living GOD and HIS name is above every name which is JESUS. Angels are ministering spirits who are sent to minister to mankind for the inheritance of salvation.

Happy Resurrection Sunday who know and understand the power of the tomb being empty. To others; happy Easter.

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