The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

The Holy Spirit is needed in every believer’s life. HE is not an emotion; HE is real and a Spirit. As a matter of fact HE is the third GOD head of the Trinity of GOD. The very Spirit of JESUS. Before JESUS was born to Mary the Holy Spirit would come down from heaven and rest on people; giving them the power to do and say wondrous things. Since the resurrection of JESUS and the promise that JESUS made; that HE would send HIS Holy Spirit to mankind. The Holy Spirit now resides in the LORD GOD’s children. The Holy Spirit gives us power to say and do those things that we would like to say and do but because of our own limitations; we don’t. The Holy Spirit is our teacher who will witness to us none other than JESUS. HE speaks about JESUS continually; HE reminds us who we are in CHRIST JESUS and what JESUS has done for us; what JESUS is doing for us and what we can accomplish through CHRIST JESUS. When we repent we are assured of forgiveness because the Holy Spirit who works in us confirms the remission of our sins. Now allow me to touch base on the two types of baptisms; (1) water baptism and (2) Holy Spirit baptism. Water baptism is a symbol that we follow because JESUS also was baptized as a demonstration that mankind must be cleansed and purified as well as HIS first acknowledgment that we like HIM must die, be buried and we will be resurrected. Holy Spirit baptism is not a symbol; when we are actually baptized in the Holy Spirit; we are actually and literally cleansed and purified in our heart. Water baptism is an outward cleaning but being baptized in the Holy Spirit is an inward cleaning. No man gained power from water baptism; as a matter of fact there are many people who have experienced water baptism without JESUS. They’ve gone down as dry sinners only to rise up as wet sinners. For what that was worth they could have taken a swim or a bath for that matter. This symbolization does not seal us to JESUS at all. As a matter of fact of the two baptisms; the baptism of the Holy Spirit is far more important in our walk of faith. I believe that all believers should follow what JESUS has demonstrated to us but not being water baptized will not keep anyone out of heaven. And being water baptized will not get you into heaven either. Most CHRISTians after being baptized in the Holy Spirit are compelled to be water baptized and they set up an arrangement to be so. I believe that these CHRISTians know that there was a time when they had been baptized but not knowing or understanding the symbolism of it decided to have the water baptism done again correctly. The Holy Spirit instills within us gifts from the LORD GOD such as found in 1Corinthians 12. Without the Holy Spirit we as believers can do nothing. I’ve said in times past that I thank my GOD for salvation because it means that the person has made it into heaven. But what a waste to live a life here on earth safe guarded by fire insurance (escape from the lake of fire) and living an average life; when the LORD GOD desires for us all to live a fulfilled life in HIM and that can only be accomplished by having the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Being completely and firmly sealed within the Spirit of the Living GOD. This is what I call full coverage insurance; its life insurance; medical insurance; business insurance; home insurance and such. And the dividends are so much better than what earthly insurance can provide. Furthermore; we don’t have to keep providing a monthly or annual payment because it’s been fully paid by JESUS. Neither do we have to wait for an earthly death to enjoy the prosperity of the insurance. The Holy Spirit; HE’s far more than just an emotional experience and we need to stop disrespecting HIM and short changing HIM. Form a relationship with HIM and get what’s coming to you.  

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