The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the FATHER will send in MY name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you, MY peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

When reading the above scripture there are several points I will like to make clear to the reader.

  1. JESUS referred to the Holy Spirit as being a Helper.
  • We all need; we all require help. It is impossible to live our lives without the help of another. From the very beginning of our lives we needed help; we needed help to be cleaned, fed and clothed. We needed help to walk, run and eat with utensils. There is nothing in life that we have done where someone was not there to help us. Well, just as in the natural we needed help; we also need help in the spiritual. We by our very sin nature have no concept of how to live righteously. We are drawn to all things that do not bring GOD glory. However, when the Holy Spirit helps us; He will help us to shed our sinful desires and live for GOD our FATHER and Creator.
  1. JESUS made it clear that The FATHER is the one who sends the Holy Spirit and will send Him in the name of JESUS.
  • The Holy Spirit is the one who will call us to JESUS but to have the Holy Spirit living in us; we must ask the FATHER in JESUS name to have Him come inside of us. Being saved by the FATHER through CHRIST JESUS is not the end of our experience, it’s the beginning. However, I often refer to being saved without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as one who has fire insurance only. When the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, we have full coverage.
  1. The Holy Spirit is a teacher.
  • The Holy Spirit will teach us all that we need to know. And whatever has been placed inside of us from the reading of GOD’s Word or by the teaching received from the Holy Spirit; He will remind us of that at the appointed time.
  1. The Holy Spirit brings peace.
  • Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that grows within us from the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to know peace without the Holy Spirit. Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit; we will experience moments of calm. But we will not experience peace. Peace is present in the best of times and the worst of times.
  1. Having the Holy Spirit and having a spirit of fear dwelling on the inside of us is impossible.
  • You either have one or the other.Just as it’s impossible to please GOD without faith; it’s impossible to have the Holy Spirit living inside of us and the spirit of fear. Fear brings with it torment which troubles the heart. In most cases we fear the unknown. When the Holy Spirit lives inside of us; He tells us what is to be; we are not groping around in the dark unaware. We are at peace because the Holy Spirit hears and see’s all. Elder Shawn Denise Briscoe


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