The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

Morning Vessels of Honor..........When God speaks to your heart, please move quickly dont allow someone else to miss out on their deliverance because of your procrastination also you are missing your next level because of your procrastination and disobedience. Move in the season that God has elected you to move, the bible declares dont be afraid of their faces, as for me I always look at the top of their heads! Speak to my heart Holy Spirit, God is yet speaking in these last days, are you listening, here what the Spirit has to say to the churches, try the Spirit to see whether it be of God, Come Holy Spirit speak to us this Morning! WE HEAR YOU LORD......I HEAR THE SOUND.....COME HOLY SPIRIT COME!!!

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Comment by irabaruta Divine on September 2, 2011 at 10:14am
Amen! i love the massage, it touched gives me the feeling of holy spirit!ANd yes, we shall hear the voice of The Lord and move where it takes us...tha´s true woman of GOD!continue to walk in victory!

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