The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

I can’t help but love my LORD GOD and HIS Word. Everyday when I read a passage of scripture and ask for a fresh anointing and wisdom to understand just what it is that my DADDY wants me to know. I begin to smile then my smile turns into a giggle; because the Holy Spirit will open my spiritual eyes to a fact that is just so incredible to my growth. What does it mean for the believer in CHRIST JESUS to be forgiven? According to what I’ve studied and what it means to me is to know that regardless of the many mistakes I will have made since my conversion from guilty of sin to pardon from sin and the mistakes I will undoubtedly make in my future; I'm free from guilt and condemnation. Have you ever had an understanding as to why there are so many miserable people in this world? The simple answer and fact is that sin makes a person miserable. Believers in CHRIST JESUS know and understand that we are no longer judged by the law which is found in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 bless The LORD GOD for HIS redemption. However, some believers spend too much time repenting for an emotion or an act; they know as well as they know their name that they are truly not unrepentant of. For instance anger is a legit emotion given to us by GOD but it’s our reaction to anger that is sinful. Notice how JESUS was in HIS anger; HE did not harm the people with HIS words when HE threw over the merchandise in the Temple. HE said what HE had to say got rid of the problem and then immediately healed people who were there in the Temple/Synagogue. We on the other hand get angry; give people what for and hurt all those in the line of fire of our anger. We don’t help anyone. When we repent it means to turn our backs and walk or run away from a sin that we habitually think; say or do never to face that sin again. Understand that when Adam gave away his dominion and walked into sin; GOD came down and walking in the garden “HE asked; Adam where are you?” Look GOD see’s all; hears all; knows all and is everywhere at all times; so it was not that GOD did not know where Adam was regarding location; GOD was trying to get Adam to realize where he was; meaning he was no longer in fellowship with his Creative GOD but that he is now in fellowship with his destructive god. Adam had a chance to tell GOD what had happened and be forgiven but Adam began a game that is still going on stronger than ever today. The Blame Game. So when we make a mistake or commit a sin it’s not a surprise to our LORD GOD; the person who is surprised is us. But all we have to do is confess what we have done, said or thought to GOD and keep it moving. GOD still desires for us to know where we are. Take responsibility for your own deeds, what it is that you do and the thoughts that you have. Tell your FATHER and know that you are forgiven and keep it moving. When the LORD GOD see’s HIS children; HE does not see your shortcomings; what HE sees is the blood of JESUS all over us. We are atoned (JESUS made amends for our deficiencies and errors). We must understand and allow it to be settled within us that JESUS bore our sins once and for all. Stop trying to deal with the sins you commit or your mistakes yourself. You are no different than the non-believers who keep telling themselves and others that they must get their act together before coming to JESUS. Whatever….non-believers will never get their act together; so why not come to JESUS just the way they are. Every time a believer wallows in condemnation or guilt like a pig in the mud for a sin or mistake; they are testifying that JESUS did not totally deal with who they are as a sinner. This is so far from the truth. Believers in CHRIST JESUS are righteous not because of what they have done but because of who they are in CHRIST JESUS. Our iniquity (sin, gross injustice, wickedness, violation against GOD) was placed on JESUS so why do we want it back. Live in your freedom of being forgiven. Those of us who understand and have accepted that we are completely and forever forgiven live a sincere and joyful life in CHRIST JESUS. We seek our sanctification day by day from the Holy Spirit and we enjoy all the blessed promises give to us in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 and so many promises found throughout the Word of GOD. So as of today my beloved sisters and brothers walk in your forgiveness. To the non-believers come to JESUS just the way you are. If you just finished taking your dose of dope and you have a moment of clarity; come to JESUS now. If you are a whore and you just had sex with someone; come to JESUS now. If you are a murderer; come to JESUS now. If you are a liar; come to JESUS now. If you are bi-sexual, homosexual, tri-sexual, transgender, cross dresser come to JESUS now. If you are an adulterer or fornicator; come to JESUS now. If you are an alcoholic or one who drinks alcohol in some form beer, wine, cooler; come to JESUS now. If you believe that you don’t need JESUS; come to JESUS now. If you have never accepted or believed that JESUS is; come now because you are who HE desires and HE loves you and so do I. You can ask JESUS to come into your life right where you are; there is no such thing as a scripted sinner’s prayer. Just be honest and tell GOD that you are messed up and that you need JESUS in your life to create in you a clean heart and to transform your mind with HIS Word. If you are sincere; HE will sincerely come into your heart and take over your life as you have requested HIM to do. Here are some salvation scriptures that I want to offer. Romans 5:6, 8, 10, 12, 15-16, 18-19; Galatians 5: 19-24; Ephesians 1:13; 2; 3:9-12, 16-17, 19-20; 5:2-5, 23, 30; Hebrews 2:9-18.

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