The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

It’s encouraging to know that I'm forgiven of my sins; that I know my LORD JESUS; that I'm an overcomer; that I know my Heavenly FATHER GOD; that I'm strong and the WORD of GOD lives inside of me. I’m anointed and what I know I’ve learned from the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Wisdom. I practice righteousness because I'm not perfect and I still want to do wrong. A person does not need to practice that which is perfected within; this is why I practice righteousness. I refuse to say I love in lip service alone because my actions speak louder than my words. When I walk in truth my heart is not condemned but when I walk according to my desire; my heart condemns me. I'm confident in knowing that when I ask of my DADDY; I receive from HIM because I willingly keep HIS commandments. I practice to do those things which please HIM. My DAD’s commands are simple; “Believe in the name of JESUS CHRIST and to love my brothers & sisters”. That I do effortlessly because without JESUS; I would still be lost. Love lives in me and I can’t help myself. I know that I belong to GOD my DADDY because I often confess that JESUS The CHRIST is from GOD and HE came in the flesh. I'm a cheerful overcomer from sin. I'm of GOD my DADDY because I know the Spirit of Truth; I live through JESUS because HE came into the world just for me. GOD my DADDY sent JESUS as a ransom just for my sins alone. Love is being perfected in me day by day because GOD my DADDY lives in me which causes me to love without measure. I have HIS Spirit; my Savior came into this world to save me and the rest of this world. Those who have come and gone; those who live today and those who are to come. I confess that JESUS is GOD’s SON, GOD my DADDY lives in me, JESUS lives in me; JESUS lives in GOD HIS FATHER; GOD lives in JESUS. So the picture is clear…




No matter how it’s viewed; we all live inside each other together and are one. Love is perfected in me because of my habitation and I'm bold because of JESUS only. Just as JESUS is so; am I. JESUS does not have a cold and neither do I. JESUS does not have cancer and neither do I. JESUS does not have sin and neither do I. I must see myself as JESUS see me; a reflection of HIMSELF. I love my DADDY and JESUS; I belong to them and they belong to me. I trust in the LORD and feed on HIS faithfulness. My faith in HIS faith has made me an overcomer. JESUS is my GOD – JESUS is my Creator; all things were made by HIM. JESUS is The WORD and the Spirit is my witness. My eternal life is in JESUS.



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