The Alliance of Women Clergy

"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."

With my mouth will I make known YOUR faithfulness to all generations. Though our expectations may be disappointing from time to time. GOD's promises are established in the heavens, they are out of th…

With my mouth will I make known YOUR faithfulness to all generations.

Though our expectations may be disappointing from time to time. GOD's promises are established in the heavens, they are out of the reach of opposers in hell and earth. WoW; how encouraging is that? Faith in the boundless mercy and everlasting truth of GOD, will bring comfort even in the deepest trials. We can’t impress the faith of GOD when we are willing to praise HIM only in our good times. We draw the lost to CHRIST when we speak of our faith even in the midst of darkness. We help the weak CHRISTian as well; because they witness how to be in the heat of distress. We must realize that the only Bible most people will read; is our life. How we react to circumstances is our testimony as to who is bigger in our life; GOD or stress. Is GOD still your GOD when you don’t see the exit from turmoil? What have you built your faith on? Is it the Word and relationship of CHRIST JESUS or is it the emotions and religion that rule you. Born-Again CHRISTians should always have within their mouths the boast of our faith towards CHRIST JESUS and HIS Word. We should have had more experiences with HIM besides being saved from hell. How often do you just chit-chat with HIM; tell HIM a joke; ask HIM how HIS day is going? JESUS is a real person; remember HE clothed HIMSELF in flesh so that we can see HIM and touch HIM. HE clothed HIMSELF in flesh so that HE can understand the temptations of the flesh and showed us how to overcome those temptations. JESUS taught us how to think, speak and see beyond the natural. JESUS taught us how to walk according to HIS Word. The LORD GOD will teach us HIS ways; all we have to do is walk in HIS paths. Be willing to serve CHRIST with a willing mind and a loyal heart. What better conversation is there towards yourself or to others than to speak on the faithfulness that JESUS has towards HIS kids and the faithfulness that you have experienced within HIM? How are family stories passed down from generation to generation? Someone in the family has to speak on what has happened within the family. What a treasure to pass on to members of the family; speak on the goodness of CHRIST. Saturate the ears of your family with what JESUS has done for you and share biblical stories that our sisters and brothers experienced. This provided hope; even when the hearer does not realize that they are listening; in the time of great need; those stories that they have heard will rise up within them and they will know what to do and more importantly; they will know who to call on. Do you remember when you were in trouble and how you called on your mother or father? They were nowhere around; they may have been miles away; yet you would call on them because you had faith that your mommy and or daddy would rescue you. Unfortunately; mom and dad did not show up because ma and pa did not hear you. But the Living GOD hears and HE sees all of what we go through. Call on HIM and HE will answer or come to your rescue. So speak about the faithfulness of the LORD GOD at all times; speak of it to yourself instead of getting upset because you are standing in the store line too long. Speak about the faithfulness of GOD when you are sitting in traffic. Speak about the faithfulness of GOD when you are being challenged in school or work or home. Find a scripture that speaks to you; write it down and recite it over and over throughout the day. The Word of GOD is our life line; bless GOD for HIS faithfulness.

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