"To Reach Them, Teach Them and Release Them to GOD's PURPOSE."
Oh how great, wonderful and marvelous our God is; the Garden of Stewardship not only grows vegetables it also grows FAITH.
Today God blessed my soul so specially it took all that’s within me to hold back the tears until I got home and then I was done, the tears flowed like a river of praise.
3 men who patronize our soul kitchen who had told me that they did not have any FAITH and would never set foot in a CHURCH said to me …”Sister you have increased my faith.
The first man said" I could not believe my eyes and when I saw how that garden had grown” and all the food you are gathering from it. All I could say was that she did it. I said to him “not me, the God I serve is good and HE holds to his promises”
And, second man said “yes, God is good and he did what you said; I thought the Garden would fail, I chuckled at every word you said when you where talking about growing a large garden to use as food in the kitchen; I said no way she don’t know what she’s taking about and you certainly increased my faith because I don’ t believe my own eyes” and Isaid to him God always does far more than we can think or imagine and HE does it because HE loves us.
And the third man said “my faith is increased as well, because I could not believe how beautiful the garden is and the prefect growing weather you got... this is the city of Buffalo and this is WNY and that’s impossible to happen from June to now, so I’m a believer, yep I’m a believer, yes I'm a believer, you got me believing .
And I said to him we walk by FAITH and not by sight for what we see now is only a small portion of what God has in store for this soup kitchen, keep allowing your faith to grown and God will unveil the bigger and greater things he has prepared for us. Have faith in GOD!
© 2025 Created by Elder Natrina "LadyRev" Lee.
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